Town Center Master Plan

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Master Plan Adopted
The Mayor and Council voted unanimously to adopt the Town Center Master Plan during their Jan. 27 meeting. View the adopted Plan here. For more information on the Plan's adoption and next steps on implementation, see the latest News Feed post.

Since the most recent master plan for Rockville Town Center was adopted in 2001, Town Center has evolved to be a premier destination and job center within the city. However, Town Center’s retail continues to struggle and compete regionally. An updated master plan will help guide Town Center’s success in the coming decades.

The overarching goal of the master plan update is to strengthen Town Center by creating a cohesive vision for the planning area that meets the city’s goals and provides a clear path for implementation. A new master plan is also an opportunity to bring Town Center into further alignment with city-wide goals regarding climate action, bicycle and pedestrian safety, and racial equity and social justice.

What is a master plan?

A master plan is a long-range document that establishes a vision for future growth and development. They provide the city and its residents and businesses the chance to clarify and refine the Comprehensive Plan's visions and goals for specific areas of the city. Master plans typically make recommendations for zoning, streetscapes, public infrastructure, and other aspects of land use.

Thank you to Manisha Tewari for her contributions to this webpage.

Master Plan Adopted
The Mayor and Council voted unanimously to adopt the Town Center Master Plan during their Jan. 27 meeting. View the adopted Plan here. For more information on the Plan's adoption and next steps on implementation, see the latest News Feed post.

Since the most recent master plan for Rockville Town Center was adopted in 2001, Town Center has evolved to be a premier destination and job center within the city. However, Town Center’s retail continues to struggle and compete regionally. An updated master plan will help guide Town Center’s success in the coming decades.

The overarching goal of the master plan update is to strengthen Town Center by creating a cohesive vision for the planning area that meets the city’s goals and provides a clear path for implementation. A new master plan is also an opportunity to bring Town Center into further alignment with city-wide goals regarding climate action, bicycle and pedestrian safety, and racial equity and social justice.

What is a master plan?

A master plan is a long-range document that establishes a vision for future growth and development. They provide the city and its residents and businesses the chance to clarify and refine the Comprehensive Plan's visions and goals for specific areas of the city. Master plans typically make recommendations for zoning, streetscapes, public infrastructure, and other aspects of land use.

Thank you to Manisha Tewari for her contributions to this webpage.

  • Master Plan Adopted

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    At their meeting on Jan. 27, 2025, the Rockville Mayor and Council voted unanimously to adopt the Town Center Master Plan. This was the final step in the process for this project and took place nearly two years (almost to the day) since the Mayor and Council initially approved the project charter in January 2023. View the final approved Plan here.

    Thank you to the Rockville community who participated in this process – from residents and community groups to businesses, Town Center employees and visitors. We heard from nearly 1,000 people throughout this process, and though everyone didn’t always see eye to eye for Town Center’s future, discussion and dialogue between us undoubtedly improved this Plan. We are so appreciative to those who took the time to attend a meeting, provide comments or testify before the Mayor and Council or Planning Commission.

    Now that the policies within the Town Center Master Plan have been adopted, it is time to start implementation and bringing the Plan’s vision to life. As a reminder, the Plan contains an implementation matrix that establishes timeframes to implement each of the Plan’s actions. City staff will start work on those actions identified as “near-term” in the coming weeks and months. Some of the larger recommendations within the Plan – most notably the zoning changes proposed – will take some time to implement. The Department of Community Planning and Development Services is actively working through the best mechanism to update zoning for Town Center to align with the Plan’s vision. We will keep the Engage Rockville page for the project up to date for the latest on the Plan’s implementation.

  • Revised Date for Adoption Consideration

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    The Mayor and Council hosted their most recent meeting on the Town Center Master Plan on January 13, 2025. As previously reported, this was a critical date by which the Mayor and Council either needed to adopt the Plan or request a one-time, 60-day extension of the timeframe to review and adopt the Plan. The Maryland Land Use Article requires legislative bodies to review and take action on a pending Comprehensive Plan amendment within 90 days. This initial 90-day period was set to expire on January 16, 2025.

    During Monday night’s meeting, the Mayor and Council voted unanimously to approve a resolution to extend the review period by 60 days. During this meeting, the Mayor and Council indicated their desire to see the Plan brought back on January 27 for the body to consider for adoption. As such, possible adoption of an ordinance to adopt the Town Center Master Plan will be considered on the January 27 meeting agenda.

    A revised version of the Plan is available for review in advance of the January 27 meeting. Changes to this version compared to the draft up for consideration on January 13 (and posted on Engage Rockville for review January 8) include:

    • Page 17: The narrative for the planning process has been updated to add in the second public hearing, held on December 9, as well as to update that the 60-day extension was enacted and the date for adoption moved.

    • Page 43: The bonus heights listed in Action 1.1.2 have been updated in each character area to reflect the Mayor and Council’s desire to see a bonus height of 100 feet in the MD-355 Corridor and Core character areas and 50 feet in the edge character area.

    • Page 44: The language of Action 2.1.1 has been modified to clarify that the elimination of off-street parking spaces does not impact existing requirements for accessible parking spaces or loading provisions.

    • Page 98: Table 12 in the Adequate Public Facilities chapter has been updated to reflect the latest numbers from MCPS on seats until moratorium, and to add statistics for Ritchie Park and Twinbrook Elementary schools.

    • Page 104: The implementation matrix for Action 1.1.2 has been revised to align with the updated language for Action 1.1.2 (see above).

    • Several clerical edits have been made throughout the Plan to correct typos and clarify language.

    The staff report and brief book for the January 27 meeting will be published in the Agenda Center of the city’s website on January 17. The Mayor and Council continue to collect public feedback on the draft Plan. To provide feedback, send your comments via email to and carbon copy Alternatively, any member of the public may sign up to speak during the public forum section of the January 27 meeting.

  • Plan for Adoption Consideration is Ready for Review

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    The snow was no match for Rockville as the Mayor and Council concluded their third work session on the Town Center Master Plan during a virtual meeting on January 6. Previous work sessions on the Plan took place on December 9 and December 16. Recordings of all Mayor and Council meetings, as well as meeting packets and staff reports, may be viewed on the city’s website.

    Over the course of the three work sessions, the Mayor and Council have directed staff to make many edits to the Plan. The major changes made to the Plan since the September Planning Commission approved draft include:

    1. The net new housing unit goal has been increased from 2,000 units to 3,000 units.

    2. A new character area has been added to the Planning Area, called the 355-Corridor, with a base height limit of 235 feet. This character area generally includes properties within a ½ mile radius of the Rockville Metro station and with frontage on MD-355.

    3. The base height limit for the edge character area has increased from 75 feet to 85 feet.

    4. Qualifications for the bonus height program have been revised to include only affordable housing, specifically 20% or more moderately priced dwelling units or other deed restricted affordable housing. The Planning Commission approved draft allowed additional moderately priced dwelling units and/or additional green space improved with climate resiliency features to qualify for bonus height.
    5. Bonus height has been revised to 100 additional feet of permitted height for properties within the MD-355 corridor and core character areas, and 50 additional feet for properties with the edge character area.
    6. Minimum off street parking requirements have been eliminated within ½ mile of the Rockville Metro Station and within ¼ mile of any future BRT stations. The Planning Commission approved draft called for the elimination of minimum off-street parking requirements throughout the entire planning area. Existing requirements for accessible parking, as required by state code, remain.
    7. Property owners will be required to submit a “parking plan” along with their other development review documents when developing in Town Center. In this document, property owners must outline the number of parking spaces they will provide as a part of a development, as well provide a statement of justification explaining how the proposed amount of parking will meet demand from the development’s users.
    8. Action 5.1.1, referring to the location of the Rockville Metro Station BRT stop, has been modified to reflect the latest engineering and design drawings on station location.
    9. A new action, Action 9.2.6, has been added calling for a public park along the future extension of Maryland Avenue.
    10. Several small clerical edits have been made throughout the plan to correct typos, clarify language and update unit/ridership counts.

    The Mayor and Council are scheduled to consider adoption of the Plan at their next meeting on Monday, January 13. The Maryland Land Use Article requires legislative bodies to review and take action on a pending Comprehensive Plan amendment within 90 days. January 13 is the last Mayor and Council meeting within this 90-day period.

    In addition to the high-level summary above, the staff report for the January 13 meeting has been updated to include a summary of changes made to the Plan since the Planning Commission approved their version in September. The final Draft Plan for Adoption Consideration, which is what the Mayor and Council will be voting on during the January 13 meeting, is available to review here.

    The Mayor and Council are keeping the record open until the adoption of the Plan for any additional comments from the public. If you have not provided your thoughts on the Plan but would like to do so, please send your comments via email to and carbon copy Alternatively, any member of the public may sign up to speak during the public forum section of the January 13 meeting.

  • Mayor and Council's First Work Session

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    The Rockville Mayor and City Council hosted a public hearing and a work session on the Town Center Master Plan on December 9. The full agenda packet, which includes staff’s presentation to the Mayor and Council, can be viewed here. A video recording of the meeting may be viewed here.

    During the public hearing portion of the meeting, individuals and organizations had the opportunity to present their feedback on the draft Plan to the elected body for their consideration. The Mayor and Council opted to keep the record open until the adoption of the plan, for any additional comments from the public. If you have not provided your thoughts on the Plan but would like to do so, please send your comments via email to and carbon copy

    During the work session, staff gave a presentation with questions on nine topical areas, asking the Mayor and Council for direction on how to proceed with changes to the development of the plan. The Mayor and Council provided valuable feedback and requested staff perform research on some items and return with additional options and recommendations on other items.

    Staff will return to the Mayor and Council for further work sessions to discuss four topics in more depth:

    • Housing goals

    • Permitted building heights

    • Bonus height program

    • Elimination of minimum parking requirements

    Two additional work sessions have been scheduled for Monday, December 16 and Monday, January 6 to allow for further discussion. Both meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. and take place in a hybrid fashion – the community may attend and/or participate in the meeting either in person at Rockville City Hall, or virtually via Webex. The agenda packet for the meeting will be uploaded to the Agenda Center of the city’s website approximately 10 days before the meeting.  

    Given the addition of additional work sessions, the latest schedule for the Plan’s adoption is as follows: 

    • December 16: Work Session #2

    • January 6: Work Session #3

    • January 13: Tentative Adoption of the Plan 

  • New Resources & Updated Project Schedule

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    The Mayor and Council hosted a public hearing on the Town Center Master Plan on October 28. At this meeting, individuals and organizations had the opportunity to present their feedback on the draft Plan to the elected body for their consideration. Staff also gave a presentation with an overview of the Plan and the major changes since the first draft was released in April. View the full agenda packet, which includes staff’s presentation to the Mayor and Council.

    After public testimony ended, the Mayor and Council opted to keep the record open for additional comments from the public. If you haven’t testified with your thoughts on the Plan but would like to, please send your comments via email to and carbon copy Once a closing date for accepting additional public testimony is determined, we will share that on the Engage Rockville page.

    Following discussion at the October 28 meeting, an additional public hearing has been added to the schedule. This public hearing will take place on Monday, December 9. This meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and take place in a hybrid fashion – the community may attend and/or participate in the meeting either in person at Rockville City Hall, or virtually via Webex. The agenda packet for the meeting will be uploaded to the Agenda Center of the city’s website approximately 10 days before the meeting.

    Given the addition of this meeting, the latest schedule for the Plan’s adoption is as follows:

    • December 9: Public Hearing #2 (new addition to schedule)

    • December 9: Work Session

    • January 13: Tentative Adoption of the Plan

    This week staff created and published three documents to assist the community in reviewing the draft Plan. These resources are designed to assist the community with understanding the changes that were made to the Plan through the Planning Commission’s review cycle and summarize the opportunities for engagement that have taken place so far. We encourage you to review the following documents:

    • Outreach and Engagement Summary: This document provides a high-level overview of the outreach and engagement that has taken place throughout this process. As a reminder, the Community Engagement Report, published in October 2023, provides a very detailed summary of the efforts that took place from April – September 2024.

    • Summary of Changes: This document provides a list of the modifications made to goals, policies and recommended actions within the Plan since the first draft was released in April 2024.

    • Redline Plan Draft: This document is a “redline” markup of the draft Plan. This document uses the first draft, released in April 2024, as the base, then marks up all the changes that have been made to the document before it was approved by the Planning Commission. Please note that due to the nature of a marked-up document, the layout and formatting in the redline isn't perfect. These layout issues, such as duplicate page numbers and a few blank pages, are addressed in the PDF version of the Planning Commission Approved Draft.

    While these documents are hyperlinked in this news feed post, they can also be accessed under the “Reports & Documents” tab on the right sidebar of the Engage Rockville page.

  • Planning Commission Approved Plan

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    On September 25 the Planning Commission approved the draft Town Center Master Plan and authorized its transmittal to the Mayor and Council. This is a major milestone in the process, which officially moves the project on to its final phase: seeking adoption by the Mayor and Council. A copy of the Planning Commission approved copy of the Town Center Master Plan can be found here.

    The Planning Commission’s approved draft will be brought before the Mayor and Council on three separate occasions. The current anticipated schedule is as follows:

    • October 28: Public Hearing where testimony will be accepted in person or in writing.

    • December 9: Work session, discussion and instructions to staff.

    • January 2025 (exact date TBD): Adoption by the Mayor and Council.

    Our Draft Plan Feedback Form remains live if you have any thoughts or comments to provide on the Planning Commission approved draft. Alternatively, you can also send feedback to

  • Planning Commission Review Updates

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    Have you been tracking the Planning Commission’s review of the Town Center Master Plan? If not, don’t fret – this newsfeed post will bring you up to speed!

    The Planning Commission has reviewed and discussed the draft Town Center Master Plan four times so far: an introductory meeting on June 26, a public hearing on July 10, and work sessions on August 14 and September 11. The Planning Commission is scheduled to approve their draft of the Plan and transmit it to the Mayor and Council at their September 25 meeting. The September 25 meeting starts at 7 p.m. and is hybrid – if you’d like to attend you can join at City Hall or tune in remotely via Webex. The draft of the Plan that the Planning Commission is considering approving can be found here.

    Planning Commission approval is not the final step in this process – the Plan also needs to be adopted by the Mayor and Council. If the Planning Commission does indeed approve the Plan at the September 25 meeting, staff anticipate the following schedule for review and adoption by the Mayor and Council:

    • October 28: Public Hearing where testimony will be accepted in person or in writing.

    • December 9: Work session, discussion and instructions to staff.

    • January 2025 (exact date TBD): Adoption by the Mayor and Council.

    Comprehensive Planning staff will update this page and send out another news blast after the September 25 Planning Commission meeting informing the community of the meeting’s result. If the Plan is approved at that meeting, staff will also provide a link to view the approved Plan for the public to review.

    If you haven't already, please complete the Draft Plan Feedback Form on Engage Rockville to provide your thoughts on the Plan. Completing this form informs staff of the community’s perspective and helps staff bring these perspectives to each approval body in an organized way.

    As always, feel free to reach out to with any questions or comments on the Plan and this process.

  • Draft Plan - Opportunities for Feedback

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    UPDATE: The Planning Commission work session has been rescheduled to Wednesday, August 14 at 7 pm. This meeting will take place in person at Rockville City Hall. There will be no online component of this meeting. For additional information about this meeting, please contact

    The weather is heating up and so are things with the Town Center Master Plan! Since releasing the draft Plan in April, city staff have been meeting with stakeholders, community groups, and members of the public to talk about the Plan’s goals, policies and actions. We will be hosting two public meetings to share the Plan’s recommendations and to talk about WMATA’s concept for improvements to the Rockville Metro Station. Join us on one of the following dates to learn more about both projects:

    • Tuesday, June 18 at 7 pm. This is a virtual meeting, and registration is required to receive the meeting link. Register for the virtual meeting here.

    • Monday, June 24 at 7 pm. This meeting will take place in person in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Rockville City Hall.

    The next step in the process is to bring the Plan to the Planning Commission for their review and approval. It is anticipated that the Plan will come before the Planning Commission at least four times. Staff currently anticipate the following schedule for the Planning Commission:

    • Wednesday, June 26 at 7 pm – Presentation and Introduction.

    • Wednesday, July 10 at 7 pm – Public Hearing where public testimony will be accepted in person or in writing.

    • Wednesday, July 24 August 14 at 7 pm – Work session, discussion and instructions.

    • Wednesday, September 11 at 7 pm – Approval and transmission to the Mayor and Council.

    If the aforementioned schedule sticks, the draft Plan, with any modifications as instructed by the Planning Commission, will be introduced to the Mayor and Council in late September/early October.

    Don’t forget to complete the Draft Plan Feedback Form on Engage Rockville to provide your thoughts on the Plan. Completing this form, in addition to any public testimony or attending a public meeting, helps staff understand the community’s perspective and helps staff bring these perspectives to each approval body in an organized way.

  • Draft Master Plan Published

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    The Comprehensive Planning team is pleased to announce that a draft of the 2024 Town Center Master Plan is now available for public review and comment. You can view the Plan here - it is a large document, so it may take a couple of minutes to load. The Plan includes 59 recommended actions that address the goals laid out within the Plan:

    • Target appropriate areas for higher density residential developments to reach 2,000 new residential units by 2040. Provide a variety of development types to adapt to marketplace demands and to address missing-middle housing.

    • Amend parking requirements to be reflective of a transit-oriented neighborhood and to provide a more seamless, accessible, and user-friendly experience when parking.

    • Create pedestrian-oriented building and site design standards for Town Center.

    • Make transportation-related improvements that enhance safety and user experience for all who drive, bike, walk or roll.

    • Work with WMATA and MCDOT to enhance the bus system to increase accessibility, improve ridership, and expand systems.

    • Implement wayfinding signage to provide clear direction and awareness of Town Center and its attractions.

    • Strengthen visual and physical connections between Town Center and adjacent neighborhoods.

    • Increase the number of affordable homes in Town Center.

    • Cultivate Town Center to be an exciting, fun, and innovative place where people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds want to be.

    • Document and retain Town Center’s history and capitalize on the historic aspects of Town Center to promote heritage tourism.

    • Activate existing retail spaces, including anchor or destination uses, and support retail growth.  

    • Encourage sustainable and resilient building practices to prevent, withstand, respond to and recover from climate change impacts.

    The Draft Plan Feedback Form is now live on the Engage Rockville site. After you’ve had an opportunity to read through the draft plan, please let us know your thoughts through that feedback form. Additionally, we will be scheduling a series of public meetings to review and gather feedback on the draft plan’s recommendations in early June. We are also working on scheduling the Planning Commission public hearing on the draft plan, which provides yet another opportunity for feedback. This will most likely take place in July. We will update the Engage Rockville page once all of these meeting dates are confirmed.

    We are so appreciative that you’ve stuck around for this master planning process, but we’re not done yet. Your feedback is essential to make sure this draft is on the right path, or if any modifications are necessary before we bring the plan before the Mayor and Council. Have questions or want to set up some time to chat with staff? You can reach Comprehensive Planning staff at any time by emailing

  • Community Engagement Report Published

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    Check out the draft for public review of the Town Center Master Plan update Community Engagement Report! Please provide any feedback using the comment form here by November 3, 2023.

    This report summarizes all activities performed by staff throughout the outreach and engagement phase of the Town Center Master Plan update project. The report provides insight into the methods of outreach, shares findings received from each outreach method, and details several key takeaways and major themes that will need to be addressed in the update to the Town Center Master Plan. The Community Engagement Report itself does not make any recommendations, but rather shares findings and popular topics of discussion to date. Ultimately, the final version of the Community Engagement Report will become an appendix to the updated Master Plan.

    Demographics of Respondents

    Staff utilized 10 different methods to collect feedback from the public during the outreach and engagement phase and confidently believes more than 1,000 unique individuals have participated in at least one method of providing feedback during this process. Generally, those who provided feedback are primarily Rockville residents, though most participants did not actually live within the boundaries of the Town Center planning area. There was a fairly even age distribution that is generally reflective of both Rockville and Town Center’s age demographics. There are two specific areas of note where the demographics of those who provided feedback do not align with demographics of Town Center of the City as a whole. There was an overrepresentation of females in this process, as well as an overrepresentation of people who identify as white. Since these demographics are not truly representative of Rockville or Town Center, the engagement results should be reviewed with that in mind.

    Major Takeaways and Themes

    Through the outreach and engagement period, several themes emerged. These themes continued to repeat in conversations across multiple groups and through different engagement methodologies. Major takeaways and themes gathered through this phase include:

    • Land Use and Housing
      • Desire to see more density, particularly in the form of housing.
      • The increasing need for affordable housing.
    • Business and Economic Development
      • Desire to see fewer retail vacancies.
      • Desire for more diversity in retail options, especially more retailers that don’t involve dining.
      • Tentative interest in an entity of some sort to support Town Center.
    • Transportation
      • Desire for more and improved bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.
      • Need for improved wayfinding signage for pedestrians and vehicles.
      • Desire to see improvements to signage and accessibility of existing parking garages.
      • Tentative interest in closing additional streets to vehicles and making them pedestrian only (example: Gibbs Street).
    • Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities
      • Desire to see more parks and additional greenspace, including landscaping and streetscapes.
      • Desire for more events in Town Center.
      • Desire to see improvements to Promenade Park, enhancing the connection to the pedestrian bridge to Metro.

    Community Engagement Report Public Meetings

    At two upcoming public meetings, staff will present their findings and major takeaways from this community outreach and engagement process. These sessions will serve to help close out this process and allow community members and other stakeholders to provide feedback before the team begins drafting the plan throughout the fall.

    • In-Person Meeting: Tuesday, October 24 from 7:00-8:30 PM at VisArts (155 Gibbs St, Rockville, MD 20850), Buchanan Room on the 2nd Floor
    • Virtual Meeting: Thursday, October 26 from 7:00-8:30 PM via WebEx Virtual Meeting, Register Here
Page last updated: 07 Feb 2025, 10:38 AM