Revised Date for Adoption Consideration
The Mayor and Council hosted their most recent meeting on the Town Center Master Plan on January 13, 2025. As previously reported, this was a critical date by which the Mayor and Council either needed to adopt the Plan or request a one-time, 60-day extension of the timeframe to review and adopt the Plan. The Maryland Land Use Article requires legislative bodies to review and take action on a pending Comprehensive Plan amendment within 90 days. This initial 90-day period was set to expire on January 16, 2025.
During Monday night’s meeting, the Mayor and Council voted unanimously to approve a resolution to extend the review period by 60 days. During this meeting, the Mayor and Council indicated their desire to see the Plan brought back on January 27 for the body to consider for adoption. As such, possible adoption of an ordinance to adopt the Town Center Master Plan will be considered on the January 27 meeting agenda.
A revised version of the Plan is available for review in advance of the January 27 meeting. Changes to this version compared to the draft up for consideration on January 13 (and posted on Engage Rockville for review January 8) include:
Page 17: The narrative for the planning process has been updated to add in the second public hearing, held on December 9, as well as to update that the 60-day extension was enacted and the date for adoption moved.
Page 43: The bonus heights listed in Action 1.1.2 have been updated in each character area to reflect the Mayor and Council’s desire to see a bonus height of 100 feet in the MD-355 Corridor and Core character areas and 50 feet in the edge character area.
Page 44: The language of Action 2.1.1 has been modified to clarify that the elimination of off-street parking spaces does not impact existing requirements for accessible parking spaces or loading provisions.
Page 98: Table 12 in the Adequate Public Facilities chapter has been updated to reflect the latest numbers from MCPS on seats until moratorium, and to add statistics for Ritchie Park and Twinbrook Elementary schools.
Page 104: The implementation matrix for Action 1.1.2 has been revised to align with the updated language for Action 1.1.2 (see above).
Several clerical edits have been made throughout the Plan to correct typos and clarify language.
The staff report and brief book for the January 27 meeting will be published in the Agenda Center of the city’s website on January 17. The Mayor and Council continue to collect public feedback on the draft Plan. To provide feedback, send your comments via email to and carbon copy Alternatively, any member of the public may sign up to speak during the public forum section of the January 27 meeting.

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