Mayor and Council to Consider Authorizing Floating Zone
The Town Center Master Plan (the Plan) was adopted by the Mayor and Council on Jan. 27, 2025. The Plan recommends 63 different actions to implement the visions, goals and policies laid out in the Plan. Some of the most critical actions recommended by the Plan are those pertaining to the zoning and land uses within Town Center. With an interest to provide an opportunity for new development to use the Plan’s recommendations regarding building heights, parking and ground floor residential, Mayor and Council will be considering initiating a change to the zoning requirements in the near future instead of waiting until the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite project to do so in calendar year 2026.
On Monday, Feb. 24, 2025, the Mayor and Council will consider authorizing the filing of a zoning text amendment (ZTA) to implement elements of the Plan’s land use and zoning recommendations. The filing of a zoning text amendment is the first step in a public review process which will include a recommendation by the Planning Commission and public hearing by the Mayor and Council prior to their decision. If ultimately adopted by Mayor and Council, this zoning text amendment will allow development in Town Center that is supported by the Plan to move forward in advance of the ongoing Zoning Ordinance Rewrite (ZOR) and Comprehensive Map Amendment (CMA) project.
The proposed text amendment would revise City Code Sec. 25.14.35, Interim Comprehensive Plan Floating Zones, as follows:
- Establish three interim comprehensive plan floating zones in Planning Area 1 which correspond with the three character areas identified in the 2025 Rockville Town Center Master Plan. The base and bonus heights established in the Plan are included in the ZTA.
- Eliminate minimum off-street parking requirements for Planning Area 1 properties located within 0.5 miles of the Rockville Metro Station or 0.25 miles of a planned bus rapid transit station.
- Permit residential uses on the ground floor of any building in Town Center.
Additionally, the ZTA would establish aesthetic standards and public benefit requirements for any development that utilizes the floating zone mechanism. The zoning text amendment is consistent with Actions 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 2.1.1 of the Plan. A copy of the proposed text amendment is included in the brief book for the Feb. 24 meeting. The brief book can be accessed in the Agenda Center of the city’s website.
The proposed ZTA should be viewed as an interim step, while the ZOR and CMA will implement the Plan’s zoning and land use recommendations in a more permanent manner. If a property owner wished to develop under floating zone regulations, they would need to request Mayor and Council approval to use the floating zone as part of a development application. If approved, the interim floating zone would change the zoning of a property on a temporary basis. The floating zones will be eliminated upon the adoption of new zones for Town Center as a part of the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite and Comprehensive Map Amendment, which is anticipated to be adopted in 2026.
A timeline for subsequent meetings related to the proposed text amendment will likely be discussed at the Feb. 24 Mayor and Council meeting. The Engage Rockville page will be updated following the Feb. 24 meeting with the meeting’s outcomes and upcoming meeting dates.

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