Mayor and Council's First Work Session

The Rockville Mayor and City Council hosted a public hearing and a work session on the Town Center Master Plan on December 9. The full agenda packet, which includes staff’s presentation to the Mayor and Council, can be viewed here. A video recording of the meeting may be viewed here.

During the public hearing portion of the meeting, individuals and organizations had the opportunity to present their feedback on the draft Plan to the elected body for their consideration. The Mayor and Council opted to keep the record open until the adoption of the plan, for any additional comments from the public. If you have not provided your thoughts on the Plan but would like to do so, please send your comments via email to and carbon copy

During the work session, staff gave a presentation with questions on nine topical areas, asking the Mayor and Council for direction on how to proceed with changes to the development of the plan. The Mayor and Council provided valuable feedback and requested staff perform research on some items and return with additional options and recommendations on other items.

Staff will return to the Mayor and Council for further work sessions to discuss four topics in more depth:

  • Housing goals

  • Permitted building heights

  • Bonus height program

  • Elimination of minimum parking requirements

Two additional work sessions have been scheduled for Monday, December 16 and Monday, January 6 to allow for further discussion. Both meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. and take place in a hybrid fashion – the community may attend and/or participate in the meeting either in person at Rockville City Hall, or virtually via Webex. The agenda packet for the meeting will be uploaded to the Agenda Center of the city’s website approximately 10 days before the meeting.  

Given the addition of additional work sessions, the latest schedule for the Plan’s adoption is as follows: 

  • December 16: Work Session #2

  • January 6: Work Session #3

  • January 13: Tentative Adoption of the Plan 

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