Zoning Districts Quick Reference
Zoning Districts Quick Reference
This document provides brief descriptions of many of Rockville’s existing and proposed zoning districts. The city is currently updating its Zoning Ordinance. Additional information for zones as they currently exist can be found in the city’s Zoning Ordinance at library.municode.com/md/Rockville.
Industrial, Light (IL): Lower impact industrial zone allowing live-work units.
Mixed-Use Business (MXB): Intended for areas that are either currently developed or recommended for development primarily for retail sales, neighborhood services, home improvement services, and compatible residential development in areas convenient to both higher-density commercial zones and single-unit detached residential uses. This zone allows for a range of densities as determined by the applicable master plan and permits retail, service, office, and residential uses.
Mixed-Use Commercial (MXC): Intended for sites that are either currently developed or recommended for development primarily for local retail and service uses in areas either within or in close proximity to single-unit detached residential uses. This zone allows for low density development of retail, service, office, and residential uses. This zone is not intended to provide for major employment, so office uses are limited.
Mixed-Use Corridor District (MXCD): Intended for areas along major highway corridors outside of the Mixed Use Transit District Zone areas, it allows for medium density development of retail, office, and residential uses. Because of the nature of highway corridor areas, the zone provides flexibility in the siting of buildings relative to major roadways and other site requirements to accommodate service drives and required parking.
Mixed-Use Corridor Transition (MXCT): Intended for areas that are located between areas currently developed or recommended for development as medium to high-intensity development and areas developed or recommended for residential development or parks within residentially zoned areas. This zone allows for medium density development of residential and office uses, as well as neighborhood-serving retail and service uses.
Mixed-Use Employment (MXE): Intended for areas that are either currently developed or are recommended for development primarily for office, light industrial, industrial park, and similar employment-generating uses, this zone also allows for medium to high density development of office, retail, and residential uses. A mix of office and residential uses, including live/work units, is encouraged.
Mixed-Use Neighborhood Commercial (MXNC): Intended for sites that are either currently developed or recommended for development primarily for local retail and service uses in areas either within or in close proximity to single unit detached residential uses. This zone allows for low to moderate density development of retail, service, office, and residential uses. This zone is not intended to provide for major employment, so office uses are limited.
Mixed-Use Transition (MXT): Intended for areas that are located between moderate or high-density development and single-unit detached residential neighborhoods. This zone allows for development of low density multi-unit, attached and townhouse residential development, and may include other neighborhood-serving uses.
Mixed-Use Transit District (MXTD): Intended for use in areas near Metro stations, it allows for high-density development of retail, office, and residential uses consistent with the recommendations of the Plan.
Park (PARK): A zone placed on all city parks and recreation areas to provide for open space, recreational, and other compatible uses.
Residential Estate (R-400): Allows single unit detached dwellings with a 40,000 square feet minimum lot area.
Residential Office (RO) *New zone*: A new zone to allow only residential and office uses, with multi-family residential a conditional use on properties with existing residential structures to avoid demolition of existing historic structures.
Residential Medium Density, Infill (RMD – Infill): An existing zone being enhance to allow a diverse range of housing types, including duplexes, multiplexes (up to six units), and townhouses/row houses, in addition to single-unit detached dwellings.
Residential Medium Density 10 (RMD-10): 20,000 square feet minimum tract area; Allows single-unit detached, semi-detached, townhouses, two-unit, and multiple-unit residential dwellings up to 10 dwelling units/acre.
Residential Medium Density 15 (RMD-15): 1-acre minimum tract area; Allows detached, attached, two-unit, and multiple-unit residential dwellings up to 15 dwelling units/acre.
Residential Medium Density 25 (RMD-25): 2-acre minimum tract area; Allows detached, attached, two-unit, and multiple-unit residential dwellings up to 25 dwelling units/acre.
Single Unit Detached Dwelling, Residential (R-60): Allows single unit detached dwellings with a 6,000 (or 5,000) square feet minimum lot area.
Single Unit Detached Dwelling, Residential (R-75): Allows single unit detached dwellings with a 7,500 square feet minimum lot area.
Single Unit Detached Dwelling, Restricted Residential (R-90): Allows single unit detached dwellings with a 9,000 square feet minimum lot area.
Single Unit Semi-Detached Dwelling, Residential (R-40): Allows single unit detached and semi-detached dwellings with a 4,000 square feet minimum lot area.