What is zoning? What is a zoning ordinance?

    Zoning regulates what structures and land are used for, where a structure may be located on a lot, and how big structures can be. It also regulates other elements of site development, such as forest and tree preservation, accessory structures, parking, and the processes by which new development can be approvedZoning laws and regulations are also the main way that the land use recommendations from the city’s comprehensive plan are implemented. Zoning regulations are contained within the city’s zoning ordinance. 

    Land within the city is divided into different zoning districts (or “zones”), each of which has its own requirements. This way, use and development regulations are tailored to different parts of the city. The city’s zoning map shows how zones are currently applied in the city.

    For additional information, check out Rockville Zoning 101. 

    Why update the zoning ordinance?

    Over time, as cities evolve and planning priorities shift, zoning ordinances require updates or adjustments. Updates and adjustments can be made through a comprehensive rewrite of the zoning ordinance, or through text amendments to specific sections of the zoning ordinance.  

    The city is comprehensively rewriting the zoning ordinance to achieve policy outcomes identified in the Rockville 2040 Plan; modernize the ordinance in line with current planning practices and increase equity; encourage redevelopment and investment in the city; improve the ordinance’s organization and accessibility; resolve inconsistencies; and streamline development review processes.  

    In addition to the zoning ordinance itself, the city’s zoning map, which shows the how zones are currently applied in the city, will also be updated through this project. 

    When was the zoning ordinance last updated?

    The city’s zoning ordinance was last updated in 2009. 

    What is the difference between a zoning ordinance rewrite and a zoning text amendment?

    A zoning ordinance rewrite is like writing a new book, while a text amendment is like editing or updating specific chapters or sections of an existing book. 

    zoning ordinance rewrite is a thorough revamp of a city's zoning ordinance, requiring a holistic re-evaluation and potential redrafting of the existing code to implement the goals of the city’s comprehensive plan. This endeavor is usually prolonged and rigorous, demanding widespread community consultation, expert insights, multiple public discussions, and several rounds of meticulous review. Ultimately, the process culminates in a fresh, updated zoning ordinance that supersedes the previous one. 

    Zoning text amendments, which can occur piecemeal or in batches, entail targeted modifications to the existing zoning code, making incremental changes rather than overhauling the entire policy document. These amendments are typically pursued to address specific issues, clarify vague language, or integrate previously unconsidered land uses. The amendment process is not as lengthy as a full rewrite. As a result, the overall zoning ordinance remains intact, but with adjustments to selected sections. 

    How does the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite relate to the Rockville 2040 Comprehensive Plan?

    The Rockville 2040 Comprehensive Plan describes the broad vision for the city’s future. It is the core philosophy that guides development, conservation, and capital improvement project to improve the quality of life in Rockville. This plan was adopted in 2021. 

    Comprehensive plans contain goals and objectives for land use and recommendations for how those objectives and goals can be implemented through a zoning code update or rewrite. Because of this, a zoning ordinance update will often follow a comprehensive plan update. In 2022, after the comprehensive plan’s completion, the city approved a project charter for the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite. The project then kicked off in Fall 2023.  

    How does this project relate to the development review process and the ongoing FAST initiative?

    The development review process is regulated through the zoning ordinance. 

    FAST 2 (a city effort to make the development and permitting process Faster, Accountable, Smarter, and Transparent) is the second phase of an initiative begun in 2018. Because the city’s zoning ordinance regulates the processes by which new development can be approved, many of the process changes recommended by FAST 2 will be implemented through the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite (ZOR) 

    Will the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite affect me or my property?

    Zoning regulates what structures and land are used for, where a structure may be located on a lot, and how big structures can be. It also regulates other elements of site development, such as forest and tree preservation, accessory structures, parking, and the processes by which new development can be approved. 

    The Zoning Ordinance Rewrite aims to implement the zoning-related recommendations from the Rockville 2040 Plan, improve development processes, and incorporate the city’s commitment to equity and sustainability. It will not prevent an owner from exercising their rights to use and enjoy their property; however, if you intend to build a new home or structure, or add on to an existing home or structure, it may impact you. 

    What are the guiding principles of the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite?

    These principleare intended to provide clarity and transparency around the values that guide the project. 

    • Zoning should regulate only what needs to be regulated in order to protect health, safety, and the general welfare. 

    • Zoning should respect both existing and desired development patterns. 

    • Zoning should be the implementation of a plan, not a barrier to achieving the community vision. 

    • Achieving equity, resiliency, and sustainability should be cornerstones of any code update. 

    Read more about the project’s guiding principles.

    What is the timeline for this project?  

    zoning ordinance rewrite is usually prolonged and rigorous, demanding widespread community consultation, expert insights, multiple public discussions, and several rounds of meticulous review.  

    The project kicked off in Fall 2023 and is anticipated to end in December 2025For more details, see the Project Timeline sidebar on the right-hand side of this webpage. 

    Where can I watch past meetings discussing the project?  

    Past meetings for the project can be accessed in the Key Dates sidebar on the right-hand side of this webpage. 

    How is the community involved in this project? How can I get involved to share feedback?  

    The Zoning Ordinance Rewrite will build on community input received during the Rockville 2040 Plan process. For ongoing opportunities to engage, keep up-to-date with this page.