Lincoln Park Conservation District Amendments (formerly Design Guidelines)
In 2022, the City of Rockville Department of Community Planning and Development Services, in partnership with Lincoln Park residents and a design consultant, began working with community members to help review standards and develop draft design guidelines for new construction and additions to single-unit detached housing properties in the neighborhood. These efforts were made primarily to address issues with existing building standards in the Lincoln Park Neighborhood Conservation District.
After extensive review, the Mayor and Council decided not to proceed with new design guidelines for the neighborhood. Instead, on January 27, 2025, the Mayor and Council adopted ordinances to amend the Lincoln Park Conservation District Plan and overlay zone to focus on needed revisions to existing standards relative to building footprint and height requirements.
View the adopted Lincoln Park Conservation District Plan Amendment
View the adopted Lincoln Park Conservation District Zoning Amendments
In 2022, the City of Rockville Department of Community Planning and Development Services, in partnership with Lincoln Park residents and a design consultant, began working with community members to help review standards and develop draft design guidelines for new construction and additions to single-unit detached housing properties in the neighborhood. These efforts were made primarily to address issues with existing building standards in the Lincoln Park Neighborhood Conservation District.
After extensive review, the Mayor and Council decided not to proceed with new design guidelines for the neighborhood. Instead, on January 27, 2025, the Mayor and Council adopted ordinances to amend the Lincoln Park Conservation District Plan and overlay zone to focus on needed revisions to existing standards relative to building footprint and height requirements.
View the adopted Lincoln Park Conservation District Plan Amendment
View the adopted Lincoln Park Conservation District Zoning Amendments
January 27, 2025: Mayor and Council Possible Adoption
Share January 27, 2025: Mayor and Council Possible Adoption on Facebook Share January 27, 2025: Mayor and Council Possible Adoption on Twitter Share January 27, 2025: Mayor and Council Possible Adoption on Linkedin Email January 27, 2025: Mayor and Council Possible Adoption linkOn January 27, 2025, the Mayor and Council adopted amendments to the Lincoln Park Conservation District Plan and Zoning Text Amendment TXT2024-00267 which revises building standards in the Lincoln Park Conservation District overlay zone.
January 6, 2025: Mayor and Council Worksession
Share January 6, 2025: Mayor and Council Worksession on Facebook Share January 6, 2025: Mayor and Council Worksession on Twitter Share January 6, 2025: Mayor and Council Worksession on Linkedin Email January 6, 2025: Mayor and Council Worksession linkOn January 6, 2025, the Mayor and Council conducted a work session for the proposed Lincoln Park Residential Design Guidelines. After extensive discussion, the Mayor and Council decided not to proceed with the design guidelines. Instead, staff was directed to prepare amendments to the Lincoln Park Conservation District that focus on needed revisions to existing standards relative to building footprint and height requirements. The amendments have been scheduled for possible adoption at the Mayor and Council’s January 27 meeting.
November 18, 2024: Mayor and Council Public Hearing
Share November 18, 2024: Mayor and Council Public Hearing on Facebook Share November 18, 2024: Mayor and Council Public Hearing on Twitter Share November 18, 2024: Mayor and Council Public Hearing on Linkedin Email November 18, 2024: Mayor and Council Public Hearing linkOn November 18, 2024, the Mayor and Council held a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Lincoln Park Conservation District Plan and Zoning Text Amendment TXT2024-00267 which proposes to revise the Lincoln Park Conservation District overlay zone and Implement the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines. Members of the public were able to provide testimony on the proposed amendments and design guidelines.
October 23, 2024: Planning Commission Recommendation
Share October 23, 2024: Planning Commission Recommendation on Facebook Share October 23, 2024: Planning Commission Recommendation on Twitter Share October 23, 2024: Planning Commission Recommendation on Linkedin Email October 23, 2024: Planning Commission Recommendation linkAt its October 23rd meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of an amendment to the Lincoln Park Conservation District Plan and Zoning Text Amendment TXT2024-00267 which proposes to revise the Lincoln Park Conservation District overlay zone and Implement the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines.
October 10, 2024: Mayor and Council Walking Tour of Lincoln Park
Share October 10, 2024: Mayor and Council Walking Tour of Lincoln Park on Facebook Share October 10, 2024: Mayor and Council Walking Tour of Lincoln Park on Twitter Share October 10, 2024: Mayor and Council Walking Tour of Lincoln Park on Linkedin Email October 10, 2024: Mayor and Council Walking Tour of Lincoln Park linkOn October 10, the Rockville Mayor and Council, joined by residents, staff and members of the public, conducted a walking tour of the Lincoln Park neighborhood.
The tour focused on observing the look and feel of homes in this historic neighborhood in relation to design guidelines proposed for the community. Lincoln park residents were able to provide input on their experience living in the neighborhood and their thoughts on the proposed guidelines for the community.
September 25, 2024: Planning Commission Public Hearing
Share September 25, 2024: Planning Commission Public Hearing on Facebook Share September 25, 2024: Planning Commission Public Hearing on Twitter Share September 25, 2024: Planning Commission Public Hearing on Linkedin Email September 25, 2024: Planning Commission Public Hearing linkAt its September 25th meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on an amendment to the Lincoln Park Conservation District Plan and Zoning Text Amendment TXT2024-00267 which proposes to revise the Lincoln Park Conservation District overlay zone and Implement the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines. At the meeting, members of the public were able to provide feedback on the current third draft of the design guidelines and the aforementioned items.
September 11, 2024: Planning Commission Briefing on Conservation District Plan Amendment and ZTA to implement the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines
Share September 11, 2024: Planning Commission Briefing on Conservation District Plan Amendment and ZTA to implement the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines on Facebook Share September 11, 2024: Planning Commission Briefing on Conservation District Plan Amendment and ZTA to implement the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines on Twitter Share September 11, 2024: Planning Commission Briefing on Conservation District Plan Amendment and ZTA to implement the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines on Linkedin Email September 11, 2024: Planning Commission Briefing on Conservation District Plan Amendment and ZTA to implement the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines linkAt its Sept. 11 meeting, the Planning Commission received a briefing on a proposed amendment to the Lincoln Park Conservation District plan and Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) in order to implement the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines. At the meeting the Commission discussed the ZTA and asked questions of staff.
September 9, 2024: Mayor & Council Possible Adoption of Amendment Process ZTA and Introduction of the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines
Share September 9, 2024: Mayor & Council Possible Adoption of Amendment Process ZTA and Introduction of the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines on Facebook Share September 9, 2024: Mayor & Council Possible Adoption of Amendment Process ZTA and Introduction of the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines on Twitter Share September 9, 2024: Mayor & Council Possible Adoption of Amendment Process ZTA and Introduction of the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines on Linkedin Email September 9, 2024: Mayor & Council Possible Adoption of Amendment Process ZTA and Introduction of the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines linkAt their September 9th meeting, the Mayor and Council adopted Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) TXT2024-00266 which created a process to amend neighborhood conservation districts. An amendment of the Lincoln Park Conservation District Plan and associated ZTA was also introduced at this meeting which proposes to update the conservation district to implement the Lincoln Park Design Guidelines. The Mayor and Council authorized the plan amendment and ZTA to move forward. Subsequent public meetings will occur before final action is taken on the design guidelines.
June 25, 2024: Public Meeting on Draft # 3 and Amended Plan
Share June 25, 2024: Public Meeting on Draft # 3 and Amended Plan on Facebook Share June 25, 2024: Public Meeting on Draft # 3 and Amended Plan on Twitter Share June 25, 2024: Public Meeting on Draft # 3 and Amended Plan on Linkedin Email June 25, 2024: Public Meeting on Draft # 3 and Amended Plan linkStaff hosted a public meeting for the third draft of the design guidelines at the Lincoln Park Community Center. This meeting was an open house where residents were able to view and comment on the different elements of the design guidelines. Hard copies of the third draft were also available for in-person review at the community center as well. View the third draft here. Residents can continue to contact staff to provide feedback on the draft design guidelines and an amended Conservation District Plan which is needed in order to implement the new design guidelines. View the amended plan here.
July 8, 2024: Mayor & Council Public Hearing on Conservation District ZTA
Share July 8, 2024: Mayor & Council Public Hearing on Conservation District ZTA on Facebook Share July 8, 2024: Mayor & Council Public Hearing on Conservation District ZTA on Twitter Share July 8, 2024: Mayor & Council Public Hearing on Conservation District ZTA on Linkedin Email July 8, 2024: Mayor & Council Public Hearing on Conservation District ZTA linkOn July 8, the Mayor and Council held a Public Hearing on Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) TXT2024-00266 which proposes a process to amend a neighborhood conservation district. Members of the public were provided an opportunity to provide testimony on the proposed ZTA during the hearing.
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Community Planning and Development Services Manager
Community Planning and Development Services
JFPhone 240-314-8262 Email -
Phone 240-314-8201 Email
- Lincoln Park Design Guidelines (Fourth Draft)
- Lincoln Park Design Guidelines (Third Draft)
- Draft Lincoln Park Conservation District Plan
- Lincoln Park Design Guidelines Project Reference Guide
- Draft Neighborhood Conservation District Zoning Text Amendment
- Lincoln Park Design Guidelines (Second Draft)
- Lincoln Park Design Guidelines (First Draft)
- Lincoln Park Neighborhood Plan (2007)
- Lincoln Park Neighborhood Conservation District Plan (2007)
- East Rockville Design Guidelines
- Who is driving the process and the content of the standards and guidelines? What has the city done to engage the entire community?
- The draft standards and guidelines seem to be already set. Why should I get involved if decisions have already been made?
- Are these standards and guidelines like a Homeowner Association?
- If adopted, will this action make my home an “illegal non-conformity?”
- Will this add new regulations?
- What happens next?