What is King Farm Farmstead and where is it located?

    The King Farm Farmstead is in the northeast corner of the King Farm neighborhood near Route 355 and is part of the city’s park system. Formerly the largest farm in the area, much of the original farm has long since been sold and developed. The site currently consists of six distinct buildings of various sizes, a picnic pavilion, a community garden, and grounds surrounding the property. King Farm Farmstead is situated on 7 acres and features a grill, a pavilion with picnic tables, street parking and a portable restroom.

    The farmstead is part of the overall 92-acre public King Farm Park system that includes two additional active parks and 43 acres of stream valley/forest parkland. Maryland Rt. 355 (Frederick Road) is adjacent to the site on the east side. Residential lots are located to the west and south of the site, and the property to the north (Farmstead District) is currently under development for additional residential units. As part of the annexation agreement for the Farmstead District, the developer has built a 47-spot parking lot for Farmstead Park use. The property is within walking distance of Shady Grove Metro Station and RideOn bus stops.

    How did the city acquire the property?

    The city received the 6.96-acre site in 1999 at the time of the sale and development of the former King (Irvington) Farm. The land was donated to the city by King Farm Associates, LLC, with specific covenants for its use as a neighborhood park and recreation facility.

    Is there a historic designation on the property?

    Yes. The property was designated a historic district in 2006 and includes all existing buildings standing at the site. There is also a forest conservation easement on the northwest corner of the site. 

    What are allowable uses for the property?

    The land was donated to the city by the developer of the King Farm neighborhood, with a deed and declaration of covenants containing several requirements, chiefly that the site is to be 1) “used as a site for a neighborhood park and recreational facility that shall serve the current and future residents of the Subject Property and the general public” and 2) that the grantor (King Farm Associates, LLC) is to be provided with opportunities for input on any process regarding the site’s future use(s). These covenants highlight the original intent of the property to remain in the form of a recreation and park amenity for the community. Depending on the adaptive reuse option(s) selected, additional research may be needed to ensure that the principal use conforms with the property’s restrictions. 

    What major projects have been completed on the property to date?

    In 2007, the city renovated the hay drying barn into a picnic pavilion.

    In 2018, the city completed structural renovations and façade restoration to the Dairy Barns.

    In 2023, as part of their annexation agreement with the city, the developer of Farmstead District (EYA) built a 47-space parking lot for city/park use.

    In 2024, the city completed water/sewer infrastructure and fire suppression improvements for the Main House and Dairy Barns and initiated construction of electrical infrastructure improvements for the property.

    Why is this project important?

    The initiative will preserve Rockville’s heritage while creating a vibrant, multi-use space for the community.

    What city plans relate to this project?

    The following plans are guiding the project:

    These documents provide a framework for historic preservation, recreation development, and community planning.

    Who will be involved in brainstorming ideas and developing recommendations for adaptive reuse for the King Farm Farmstead Park?

    The city is committed to an inclusive process, involving residents, stakeholders, King Farm Associates, LLC, and community groups. Engagement efforts are designed to ensure diverse participation, including input from historically underrepresented groups.

    What approach will the city use to engage residents and organizations in the master planning process?

    The project will utilize the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation to guide development of community engagement elements for this project. The goals outlined for this community engagement process include: 

    • Informing the City of Rockville community about the King Farm Farmstead Park’s history, current site conditions, and future use considerations. 
    • Collaborating with and involving the community in discussions with city staff regarding potential adaptive reuse options for the park’s buildings and structures. 
    • Consulting with the community for feedback on potential adaptive reuse options and conceptual designs for the park’s buildings and structures.


    Both traditional and non-traditional public engagement opportunities are planned, with emphasis on a process inclusive of all. Examples of engagement opportunities include the following:

    • Input, feedback and instructions from the Mayor and Council
    • Input and feedback from King Farm Associates, LLC

    • Community Listening Sessions (variety of time and venue options)
    • Engage Rockville Platform (online surveys, idea boards, interactive feedback, project updates, newsletter, etc.)
    • Tabling at Community Events
    • Focus Groups and Stakeholder / Community Group Interviews
    • JEDI office involvement and outreach to historically excluded groups
    • City Boards and Commissions
    • Interaction with Property Management and Civic Associations (e.g. King Farm, King Farm District, etc.)
    • City partners and non-profit organizations
    • Impromptu conversations with individuals in the King Farm Community (e.g. events, activities, etc.)

    How can I get involved?

    Participate in meetings, share your feedback on the Engage Rockville platform, and stay tuned for updates via newsletters and social media.

    Describe the process that will be implemented to develop the adaptive reuse master plan for King Farm Farmstead Park.

    four-step process will be implemented to determine an adaptive reuse for the King Farm Farmstead: 

    1. Initial input from the Mayor and Council (COMPLETED) – On October 28, 2024, the Mayor and Council provided broad direction to staff and the consultant regarding general usage types for the Farmstead Park, as well as any certain use types that would not be satisfactory or should be eliminated from consideration. View the October 28, 2024 Mayor and Council Meeting.  

    1. Phase 1 Community Meetings – Visioning. In this phase, the community will be made aware of ongoing initiatives and given opportunities to provide initial, high-level input on proposed adaptive reuse ideas. Presentations will include a wide range of imagery designs to identify the community’s preferences for general types of site amenities, programming, and services provided. In conjunction with receiving input at formal meetings, survey tools, conversation starters, and evaluation methods will be developed to capture the community’s preferences for elements of the adaptive reuse. 

    1. Phase 2 Community Meetings – Filtering. Based on feedback from the Mayor and Council and Phase 1 Community Meetings, combined with the expertise of the consultant on feasibilities for the site, one to three specific adaptive reuse concepts will be presented for feedback. Imagery, narrative, and opportunities/challenges for each concept will be developed for the community to assess and provide feedback for each approach. 

    1. Phase 3 – Mayor and Council Selection. The adaptive reuse concepts developed for Phase 2 community meetings are presented to the Mayor and Council, along with opportunities and challenges for each concept and a summary of the community’s feedback. With Design Collective and staff available to answer questions and provide supplemental information, the Mayor and Council will be asked to select a proposed adaptive reuse concept so that a Master Plan can be adopted for implementation. 

    What is the timeline for this master planning process?

    Phase 1 and 2 community engagement/meetings are projected to occur from Winter 2025 through Summer 2025. 

    The goal is to present conceptual designs developed along with the Rockville community for Mayor and Council review and approval by the end of Fall 2025 (Phase 3).

    Who is the final decision maker?

    Ultimately, the Mayor and Council will be the final decision maker on the adaptive reuse for the King Farm Farmstead Park. They will make this decision with the consideration of the Planning Commission, legal criteria, community input and staff recommendations.